Gen Paul,L-F Celine,Journey to the end of the night



 Gen Paul / Louis-Ferdinand Celine



"Journey to the End of the Night"

Of Louis-Ferdinand Celine Illustrated by Gen Paul


This book has been entirely brightened with water color by Gen Paul in 1974

This exemplar contents a pesonnal note from Gen Paul

"A Louis Nucera* et ses chats. Une pensée pour Bébert - Le greffier de Ferdine"

"To Louis Nucera* and his cats. A thought for Bébert, the “malkin” of Ferdine."



 *Louis Nucera was a writer who was very found of cats,

and he wrote many books on them. In his dedication, Gen Paul mentions: To Bébert, the famous cat owned

by Louis-Ferdinand Céline that Gen Paul use to call “Ferdine”

“Malkin” is an argotic word commonly used for “cat”
















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"Journey to the end of the night" of Louis-Ferdinand Céline 

Brightened  with Water Color by Gen Paul


Date of edition : 1943 / Date of color brightening : 1974

On the first page, Gen Paul wrote with pencil a personal note +autograph +dec 74(1974)

Each drawing is brightened up with the gouache by Gen Paul and signed with pen.

On five drawings, Gen Paul wrote with pen 74 (1974) and "Le Voyage (Travel)" on two drawings.

On the last page, Gen Paul wrote with pencil FIN (THE END) + autograph. 

Condition: Very Good condition for a book of this time (1943) Poor quality paper during the war periode.

Of course yellowed by age and few tucks and minor marks.

Authenticity certificate provided